Bellingham, WA 98226 (360) 603-6960

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3 Stump Removal Methods

It’s challenging to get rid of a stump in your yard. It requires the abilities and experience of a reliable professional. Therefore, if you were considering doing the job yourself, think again. Unless you are a certified arborist, you should stay away from DIY tree removal projects. To get unsightly tree stumps out of your yard, it is best to hire professionals for a safe and efficient tree service.

But if you’d still choose the DIY route, here are some tree stump removal methods that you can use:

Manual Stump Removal

The most frequent technique used is probably manual stump removal. Maybe this is the only method you are aware of for getting rid of a stump. Dig around the stump to start. Shovel it out after the dirt has been loosened. Much soil can be expected. The larger the stump, the more soil can be digged out. Sever the roots as soon as they are visible. Find the tap root and remove it as well. Once finished, it will be challenging to get rid of the stump.

Chemical Stump Removal

The first technique is effective for getting rid of small stumps. However, it’s not a good idea to dig larger stumps. The best option for larger stumps is to use chemicals to remove them. Drill holes should be filled with fertilizer containing nitrogen and water. Mulch it and put a tarp over it. Then you can relax and wait for it to malfunction. Handling chemical work can be hazardous. Take the appropriate safety measures. Employing professionals for the job is preferable.

Burning the Stump

If you want to get rid of an unsightly stump in your yard quickly and affordably, think about burning it. But exercise caution. Check your local community ordinances before burning the stump.

The inconveniences associated with stump removal projects can be avoided. This is because you can count on Francisco Landscaping for an effective and professional tree service. The residents of Bellingham, WA are receiving our top-notch offers. Please call us at (360) 603-6960 if you have any questions.

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